Monday, November 24, 2014

Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude

During the holiday season, many of us find ourselves focusing on the idea of gratitude. However, many experts have found that cultivating an attitude of gratitude all year is much more beneficial in the long run.  Said quite simply, “Gratitude is the best attitude!”

According to psychologist and social scientist Dr. Robert Emmons, people who make gratitude a part of their daily lives report physical, social, and psychological benefits, including stronger immune systems; better sleep; lower blood pressure; higher levels of positive emotions; and being more helpful, generous, and compassionate.

Emmons believes that frequently focusing on what we are grateful for keeps us in touch with the good aspects of our lives, leading us to more positivity and resilience even in times of difficulty. Additionally, gratitude helps us to celebrate the present and helps positive emotions last longer.

The University of Pennsylvania has developed a gratitude survey that quantifies a person’s capabilities to experience gratitude. Whether journaling or meditating about gratitude, or just keeping it at the forefront of our minds, being grateful adds benefits to our everyday existence.

What can you do to adopt an attitude of gratitude?
What are you thankful for? 
How can you express your gratitude so that you can pay forward the benefits you have received?

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