Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A No-Vacation Nation?

Recent studies have shown that America is on its way to becoming a “no-vacation nation.”  In "Save the American Vacation" from takebackyourtime.org, Jack Dickey points out that in 2013, only 19% of American workers used all their accrued vacation time and 3.2 vacation days per worker were left unused on average.  Essentially, according to Dickey, Americans “did $52.4 billion worth of work that year for free…”

Research has suggested that happier employees make happier companies.  Even among the responders who did take a vacation, many reported that they still engaged in work activities during their time off.  The questions must be raised: Are we becoming a nation of workaholics, and how will the effects of working ourselves so hard affect our future as a society?  Is work becoming a central time in more peoples’ lives?  Are more people able to work remotely, and if so, does this make us more inclined to work even when away from the office?

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